As a part of the Fashion Promotion college course I completed at college I had to decide on the brief for my final major project. I have had my Tumblr blog for a couple of years now and I really wanted to do something based around that. I was looking at how digital fashion is growing and becoming the next step in the fashion world, I wanted to show this through making a fashion eBook magazine based around my Tumblr blog 'Tr-end'. After much thought and consideration I decided that making a working eBook in the time limit that I had would not be possible, so I developed my research further and thought of making a paper magazine but with a digital fashion twist. I added QR codes into the magazine to give the reader a chance to interact and experience the magazine whilst still turning the pages.
I have had a lot of good feedback from different sources about my magazine. I am extremely pleased with the outcome and I would love to make another issue in the future.
If you want to get in contact with me email me: