Sunday, 17 June 2012


>>YES! I am sad to say that today was the final day of London Collections: Men. To kick start the final day of this amazing fashion event, designer J.W Anderson hit the runway. I loved everything about this classic collection, calm block colours and simple accessories worked so well together. I especially loved the cute teddy T's worn with tailored suit trousers.

Images courtesy of London Collections: Men

I thought that J.W Anderson did an amazing job at opening the final day of the first Men's fashion event and Nicole Farhi closed the event with a final classy runway show. The collection was based around the perfect gentleman and a lot of tailored trousers! All of the models had a classic clean cut look and reminded me a lot of geeky Superman or Captain America. Nicole's collection represented the style of the whole London Collections event, smart fashion for men which shows class and sophistication.

London Collections: Men was the first ever big fashion event for men in London! I thought that it was a complete success and I am slightly jealous of men's fashion right now. I may have to try and sneak a couple of key pieces from the Katie Eary collection, girls can pull off men's clothing anyway!! I hope that this will become a yearly event because I think people forget that men do like fashion as well and we need to have more for them. All I can say is jealous, much!

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